
Discord Filter Bot

A bot for filtering words or phrases from a Discord server, written with JDA.

Adding the bot to your server

Click here to add the bot to your server.


Command Description
/addword <word> Add a string (or a list of strings, separated by commas) to the filter list.
/removeword <word> Remove a string (or a list of strings, separated by commas) from the filter list.
/listwords Show the contents of the filter list.
/clearwords Clear the filter list.
/filterstrict <state> If true, filters strings even if they are part of a larger string. This may cause unintended filtering.
/filternotify <state> If true, the bot will tell users which word caused their message to be removed.

Self-hosting the bot

Sample configuration file

config.json is located in the discordfilterbot directory, which is created in the directory where the JAR is run.

  "botToken": "YOUR TOKEN HERE"